
What to Expect

Whether you are looking for a church home or visiting beautiful western Montana, we invite you and your family to worship with us. Here at Mountain View, we would like to make your first visit as comfortable as possible. We will enjoy meeting you, just as you are, and welcome you warmly.

When you visit, we want you to know we worship in a casual environment, so feel free to dress comfortably and participate as much or as little as you like. Our Sunday mornings begin with an optional hour of Christian Education classes starting at 10:00am, followed by a time of uplifting worship that begins at 11:00 am. We meet in the sanctuary at the east end of the building and join in song and prayer before taking time to learn together. We offer childcare for children from ages 1-5 during the service in our childcare room located below the sanctuary.  Your little ones will be invited to head downstairs after our singing time to enjoy playing, learning and laughing. 

In months with a fifth Sunday, we gather for a potluck luncheon in the Fellowship Hall after the service. Visitors are always welcome to join us!